as for my honest opinion about Santa Lucia, and this is really my own personal opinion and I don't let anyone influence me either.
so far I really like the story what she is trying to tell, and also what concerns all the characters but what bothers me a bit is that some characters just because they do not like others somewhere fall by the wayside and get little attention, sure everyone has his favorite as I do too but I think every character deserves that you try him at least to get to know him no matter if you find him romantic or not.
and my favorite is the cute water dragon I think it's a shame that he gets so little attention, I think he's really cute and I really like how he slowly opens up and that you slowly get to know him and that's why I really hope even though it's been said often enough that he will get a route, also as far as the romance is concerned I really hope that this will happen and not because other people don't like him and ignore him completely because I think he doesn't deserve that.
because I don't complain to others just because I don't like one of the other characters, but I don't complain or talk bad to others so that the other characters are completely disregarded and afterwards don't get a chance to get a route or in general.
I really like how every single character has their own depth to what the character is trying to tell to get to know them and in general and I think every character deserves that.
and the other thing is even if this sounds quite harsh what I am saying now, if others don't understand the story you are trying to tell or what Santa Lucia is trying to tell, sometimes it is because people don't want to deal with it at all and are just looking for a reason to bitch about it.
and the author who tries to write the story is then influenced too much by the others, it's nice to get feedback but when it starts with people complaining about every little thing and that changes the story or has a big influence on what others want it no longer tells the own personal story the author is trying to tell and that can't be the point of the thing.
and so far what you have done on this visual novel and all the others who have worked on it is great, many that I have seen trying to write a good VPN have mostly failed because hardly anyone was interested in it and got too little attention or because people constantly had something to complain about it and the project was canceled afterwards which made me sad myself afterwards because it makes me as a reader sad that then the story does not continue because you have taken the characters to the heart and I find that very sad.
so I can only give you my personal opinion, as for Santa Lucia stay as you are and don't be too influenced by what others would like to have, write your story as you think it is right and if someone doesn't like it then that's just the way it is, you can't please everyone.
because as I said before if too many people influence it, it doesn't tell its own story afterwards but the story that others want and that it is shaped the way others want it and so it definitely shouldn't be feedback is always good as I said before but it shouldn't go so far that it influences too much on the story or on all the characters that deserve to be seen.
because that's how you start to feel bad as the author or the others who worked on it that you don't think you did a good job but that's not the point if others can't relate to this story or these characters then these people aren't right for this story to fully experience it because that's when it starts to feel bad you didn't do it right or you could have done better which is definitely not the case it's a great story and as I said before with wonderful characters with unique personalities.
so I'm looking forward to the future with all the characters and how the story develops and I'm really looking forward to it :3