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This is it. The promised hour is at hand. Please join me as rate the final game of Feedback Quest 4, live. It's here! It's happening! Not just the feedback of the final game, but it being a game I actively chose to avoid back in Feedback Quest 3 because of something that is no fault of the creators, just my own fears. But thanks to the noble work of the developer, this is not longer the case.

Pardon me as I have a laughter breakdown.

So, I will name everything I either loved or felt needed looking at. To begin, thank you for adding the arachnophobia mode. It's so wonderful to see some developers who have a vision they want to follow, but are also willing to do things to help with people's fears if they can. I start with this because I don't want you to think in any way, shape or form that I'm not grateful for this. The truth is, I'm so thankfully that I felt it was my duty to ensure that anything that could help their game was covered. To do that, I need to be honest.

First, when I started up I figured there might still be a spider issue on the title screen. This was proven true. Luckily, I did well to block my view. Then when I first transitioned into the first cave, I was hit with a loading screen that I was not prepared for. Fortunately for me, the line art aspect of it made it feel more fake which saved me. I would suggest including a warning about spiders in the game and stating of an arachnophobia mode. You then put in a first time launch screen that has no spider on it. This gives arachnophobics the chance to know and to change the setting. before they would ever see a spider. Then, you have two title screens and two loading screens, depending on if the mode is active!

From here, we started the quests from the first two NPCs. What felt weird, however, was that I could get Gerhard's last quest before the other's. Yet the first gives context to how Gerhard talks to you. I would recommend adding flag options to when you accept a quest to be a trigger for getting access to a new one. This could be useful in the future for you as well.

DON'T MESS WITH YNNA. YOU DON'T HARM THAT LOVELY LADY OF THE LUSCIOUS LAKEY LANDS OF MFASDLFKNA;SLH;SG YOU KEEP YNNA! The only thing you need to fix on her is that head piece. Take it off, let the hair flow. She's fine. Also give more Ynna. Maybe Ynna mode?

Oh my god, the goblin deaths. I mean, they make sense! They do! But they're SO FUNNY. I love them! Don't change them. Ok, coming back down now for the next few.

As I ran into the area where the trial happens, I was immediately hit with the most dramatic music I'd ever heard! Like, it was 1000% final dungeon music, and it just threw me off to be used on... goblins with such funny death cries.

As I was getting into the orcs area, I realized that I had no health potions available to me and died, at which point I was respawned back to the beginning.I thought that was weird. I had tons in my inventory! So I check, and yea. I do! So then I check the potions slots and... oh. Oh. It's a manual reload. It doesn't use from your inventory. Oh. That threw me off, primarily because I could swear Diablo 2, which I can tell is a heavy inspiration for this game, didn't have that issue. Like, they had extra slots just for potions, but if you used those all up it would still keep using the ones in your inventory.

And so, with this, I thought I was done. I thought I had covered it all. So I began to return, where I recovered everything for the above. And early on, it hit me. I had been sent back to the beginning! There was no close respawn point! I mean, it made sense before getting to town, but there should've been one in town! What?! I couldn't find someone to let me save my respawn point.

So I pressed on. I had to be sure there wasn't more to see. So without quests, I began pushing forward into the world. As I was I came to learn that the world was much bigger. Also far more open. And I met a guy named Baker! Then, as I was returning from that long journey, I realized I wanted to sell from my inventory. Wait. Sell? Where's a vendor? Wait... wait, there's no currency! Really!? That's shocking! I had to wonder if that was intentional.

And then, with this in hand.... I then had to keep going until I remembered when last I thought I was done. Because I was realizing that yes, I was done back then. Which happened a short time later, when I remembered about manual potion loading. XD

And here we are now!

That's right, Prism. We're here now! THIS IS THE MOMENT! THE FINAL STROKES ARE UPON US! WITH YOU RIDES THE FINALE OF FEEDBACK QUEST 4 (not really, but c'mon. It's the bit now)! SO LET IT BE KNOWN!

Your game is pretty good. I can't wait to see more. <3

Thanks for the feedback! I'll go looking for the VOD if you have one :)
Yeah sorry for the spider reappearing in the scene transition - this arachnophobia mode was made quite quickly without much QC:) I figure most people who would have problems with the spider on the illustration would avoid the game already since it's also in the key art for the game?
Don't worry I won't harm Ynna! Can't promise I won't mess with her because she might be receiving a more detailed texture in the future. But I might have forgotten to remove the dialogue line "clothes" which I put in back when I was just using an asset for her and not a custom model :)
I haven't made a final decision on how potions should work. Currently they work like Diablo 2 - you have a belt, and when you pick up potions they go to your belt slots first, then to the inventory when the belt is full. Belt slots don't refill automatically from the inventory in D2 either. 

And yes, the game is far from feature complete -  there is only one respawn zone in the open world, and there will be one in Hearsay Hamlet and other important safe zones in the future, which you will probably automatically bind to when entering the area.


Here you go!