This was a cool proof of concept for a game. I really liked the dual-control element of finding somewhere to keep myself safe while deploying my drone. I had an embarrassing moment where I sent the drone through the whole level and reached the flag before realizing that I was supposed to use the drone to knock the box down. Maybe something where the drone doesn't have any attacks / can't get hit to really hammer home that it's only for puzzle-solving? The music was pretty chill, it let me feel like I was in a strange wilderness, but the sound effects were the standout here, all very satisfying and gave great feedback (even on blaster bolts hitting walls, I liked that touch). Finally, the jump was responsive enough that when I changed my mind mid-air over a death pit, I was able to turn back and reland on the original platform, so that's good.
Some small but easy things to improve:
- adding coyote time and variable jump height to the jump will make it feel even more responsive.
- feedback on the player getting hit and enemies getting hit was good, but I was never really certain if my drone was getting hit or not until it just kinda died once while inside a slime.
- the controls were a bit awkward at first, the distance between Ctrl and space is not a comfortable one, and if any mechanics involved precise mid-air shooting I would probably have struggled.
But overall, really solid entry. Add some more levels with some additional drone mechanics and you've got yourself a game. :D