the game works now and the puzzles are really hard lol! i actually got stuck at one point (I followed the walkthrough but still not sure what to do) - i got the first book slip (diamond) from the night-time library, but when i went back to my room, it's occupied by another "me" sleeping and I couldn't go to bed.. tried switching to day time in the day/night altrium but same me sleeping in daytime...nobody else around in the scenes. Mind helping me out a bit? thx~
Sound like a bug that you can see the other "me", I'll look into it. Seems like a visual bug, but can you not go to bed? That is weird! Have you left for the other zone perhaps (the exit from The Common Area where there is a guard in regular day time)? Is your bed blue or is it red/green? That would explain it, if not weird!