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According to everything I've heard so far, she seems to have encountered some family issues and went radio silent shortly after. Her last post online was in December of 2018,  thanking government officials for keeping her updated about the current water situation in her area (which seemed to be bad). I've tried contacting people she worked with, and they haven't heard from her in a while; she didn't reply to their messages, either. I've tried contacting her on every of her social media platforms- no response. I've recently (2 weeks ago or so)tried to get in touch with all of her facebook friends and family (and yes, most of them are still active there) and up until now, only 2 answered, and they, too, didn't hear smt from her in a long while and are currently trying to get in touch with her. I don't think the dev is a scam artist. Something bad must have happened and quite honestly, I'm terrified.

(2 edits) (+7)

Do you know if either of the two who responded were family members? It's already concerning that we haven't heard from her in so long, but if even her own family didn't know what was going on... Well, that'd be even more worrying.


Neither of them were family members! I think one of them was the sprite artist and the other one a regular friend.  However, I also sent messages to her family members and they haven't responded yet...I'll keep all of you updated if I hear anything new, but lord this is rly concerning😩


Good lord, that really is concerning. I've been coming on from time to time (here and on Kickstarter) to check if there were any updates at all,  but the amount of time that's gone by is really enough to make me worry. Please do let everyone know if any of you hear anything at all... At this point I'd just like to know that Agashi is okay.