First of all, feedback like this is invaluable and thank you for your time and effort.
I am completely frustrated by the formatting of the direction prompts, but will give it another go, perhaps with w,s,a,d... I can add descriptions for enemies however this already has its own tab from the base as you discover new enemies.
Do you therefore think stats should be fully restored after knock outs, and just have a money penalty as the forfeit?
I don't know what to say about the frustration element... Is it too hard...? But alternatively its meant to be a strategy game. I think the game gets a lot more foundation to it as you progress, it is just a rough start - IS THIS THE WRONG WAY ROUND!!!
What do you mean by "the visual contradicts that as well", does this refer to the map?
Honestly I'd love to get a couple of tracks off this guy for a fiver or so. Would be more than happy to do that.
Thanks again ( you are kinda the only person to have helped me with a game so very happy to hear from you!)