Tried to play it but got this error:
Program cannot start.
API-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is missing.
Is this not supported on all versions of Windows?
mmnhh interesting, what version of Windows are you using ? It just an exe file that you double click with the only advise is not to move it out of the folder as it needs the other files to play it.
ps: From looking on the internet it looks like you are using Windows 7 am I right ?
pss: From doing a bit more research the latest version of Python has dropped support for Windows 7. I see if there is a work around.
psss: There is a work around by installing a hacked version of Python which I am not too sure what I want to do that as the reason why they removed support was because there are some features on the latest version of Python that makes it unsafe for Windows 7. I will add a ' Windows requirement ' so other people with Windows 7 won't be wasting their time attempting to play my game.
Oh wow I didn't realize Python dropped compatibility. Honestly I think that is a poor reason, because any EXE can be unsafe no matter the language it was written in. Kind of a bit bonkers that a simple terminal game won't run on anything Windows 10 or greater. This is why I think I made great choice sticking to Pure Basic over Python (bytecode is a slower than compiled anyway) after all these years because it will run on any version of Windows based upon NT.
Sorry for the rant but its less about security and more about forcing conformity. I do have a laptop with Windows 10 so I will give this another try when I can. Thank you for though for looking into this.
Oh the safety issues are definitely going to be something unrelated to how they are converted to EXE. I mean Python isn't used for games hence it is less concern about providing wide compatibility and to be honest I had no idea until I researched the issue. Yeah Python is incredibly slow for gaming but just wanted to see how far I can push myself with writing a game just using the standard library.