I'm glad we have such a big writer from such a high-profile studious but I would glad you doing at least basic research on visual novels before imposing your writing philocophies on their writers, because believe it or not, this medium follows totally different rules and have totally different demographic. Just for example
> I am going to be extremely honest here, you need to have a plot.
No you are not. Nekojishi has little to no plot and largely consists of SoL filler, and yet everyone likes it, it has its own fanbase and around 95% positive rating on Steam.
To be completely honest this post strikes me as very arrgoant. It prattles on and on about being open to change yet by itself recommends the most basic advices kids in pre-school know about by now while also trying to lock you in within this set rules instead of encouraging creativity and experimentation. At best its completely useless as everyone can get those advices (and maybe even better) by searching writing advices on google or even chatgpt. At worst -- its arrogance and entitlement will make every aspiring writer's blood boil (for me its certainly the latter)