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Decided one hour before the end of the jam to submit what I have just to participate. I'm not competing, just trying to stay motivated as I continue to work on my project.

My "game" is written in Javascript using Three.js as I learn about web-based graphics applications. The 3D assets are from Synty and are intended to be placeholders for more PS1-reminiscent models I will create in Blender. The game itself is intended to be an experiment in creating a third-person perspective puzzle game like Wetrix and IQ: Intelligent Qube, in which the player plants seeds, sprinkles water, grow trees, and harvests them as much as possible within the time limit of each round. The placement of seeds and water on varied and changing terrain would hopefully give rise to emergent strategy that could eventually be enough for a puzzle game loop.

In order to feel like a PS1 game, I am planning to render to reduced target resolution, use low-res textures, and low-poly models. I intend to reduce the material/lighting quality to either ambient+diffuse or just ambient lighting, and reduce some of the 3D math to low-precision fixed-point to add a bit of jankiness. Deliberate tearing/z-fighting between polygon seams and dithered colors  would also be nice if I have time.