nah ur cool tho
Wait, is it a good thing? Cuz you said "they are all trynna be cool" and you also said "you're cool though". Doesn't this just confirm that I'm not "a true n1"?
I'm probably overthinking this. Sorry if I am. I will just stop typing now so I can leave you alone because your probably tired of reading this by now. Sorry if this post bothers you.
np lol, i meant you are actually good and if you were on discord i think that b2 snadow and qoo would let you in. he “people” im talking about are those who claim to be in n1 but dont even know what N1 means. most of the time its mistaken for “narrow one” and im not gon be revealing the actual meaning behind N1 cus then ppl are just gonna say they’re part of it.