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I will admit that the presentation feels pretty fresh. But while the character portraits achieve a nice sense of specificity, the thematically inessential high concept premise and the backstory of the setting feel inconsequential to the mundane romantic drama, reducing their impact to a few amusing gags. I find myself wishing the game had either developed them further or excised them entirely; in this state, the whole is hard to appreciate.


Thanks for the feedback!

I will admit I originally intended more for the story (was aiming for like 12-13k words), but I apparently picked the worst month to try to write a short story from scratch between a move and full time hours changing, so I had to cut back and essentially make this an epilogue to an adventure that hasn't been written >///<

It's been a fun experience overall though :3 If Akiba and the crew are up for it I'd definitely love to bump out more for this~