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(1 edit) (-7)

Humans born with both genitalia are traditionally (and still) known as hermaphrodites. You can use pc terms all you like, I'll use the scientific terms. Intersex refers to plethora of conditions including yy, xxy, xyy, hermaphrodism, and anything else to do with sex and gender that is considered abnormal... including transexualism. Apples are fruits, but they aren't oranges... as the saying goes.

I am well aware that hermaphrodites only have one functional genitalia for reproduction, despite both genitalia being (typically) fully functional in the bedroom.

What were you hoping was going to happen when you get the science wrong in an attempt to teach me exactly what I just said? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That makes zero sense.  🤣


Ah, Yes. Transexualism, a term that hasnt been used by the scientific community in ages now.