Hi, is possible make the gradiant be vertical instead of horizontal?
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you could always try shaders, heres an example:
# Example shader for vertical gradients init python: renpy.register_shader("example.gradient", variables=""" uniform vec4 u_gradient_color_1; uniform vec4 u_gradient_color_2; uniform vec2 u_model_size; varying float v_gradient_done; attribute vec4 a_position; """, vertex_300=""" v_gradient_done = a_position.y / u_model_size.y; """, fragment_300=""" float gradient_done = v_gradient_done; gl_FragColor *= mix(u_gradient_color_1, u_gradient_color_2, gradient_done); """) # Transform that applies the gradient transform gradientTransform: shader "example.gradient" u_gradient_color_1 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # Formatted rgba (1.0 is equivalent to 255) u_gradient_color_2 (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) # The two colors in the example are white and yellow # Color is applied manually meaning you cannot change it in text tags sadly # This block creates the tag and applies it to text init python: def gradient_tag(tag, argument, contents): return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, At(Text(text), gradientTransform())) for _,text in contents] config.custom_text_tags["Vgradient"] = gradient_tag # script.rpy label start: show eileen happy e "This text is normal. {Vgradient}This text is yellow.{/Vgradient}" show elieen happy at gradientTransform e "You can also apply the gradient over sprites!"
the result should look something like this
there are some draw backs to this approach such as text outlines not working and requiring predetermined gradients rather than defining them in the text tag
if you have multiple vertical gradients you need displayed, you can always try this:
# Well create two custom transforms for different colors transform gradientRedBlue: shader "example.gradient" u_gradient_color_1 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # Red u_gradient_color_2 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) # Blue transform gradientPinkWhite: shader "example.gradient" u_gradient_color_1 (1.0, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0) # Pink u_gradient_color_2 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # White # This block creates the tag and applies it to text init python: def red_blue_gradient(tag, argument, contents): return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, At(Text(text), gradientRedBlue())) for _,text in contents] def pink_white_gradient(tag, argument, contents): return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, At(Text(text), gradientPinkWhite())) for _,text in contents] config.custom_text_tags["RedBlueGradient"] = pink_white_gradient config.custom_text_tags["PinkWhiteGradient"] = pink_white_gradient # Please note i have not tested this so it might not work
hope this helps!