Mostly really good tho I have some feedback (warning long and nitpicky)
-HP and Stamina are hard to see at a glance, need options for crosshair hud and/or a version of the main hud with the meters instead of numbers
-Needs sound effects for weapon swapping and shotgun reloading, and a clearer/more noticable sound for taking damage. I found it harder to keep track of what was happening bc of the sounds not being as clear as main game IMO
-The punch always being horizontally in front of you feels wrong, IMO it should be directional like the weapons
-Projectile boost timing is weird, the punch hitbox seem to last longer (+ maybe take longer to come out?) so the easiest way to proj boost is by punching before you shoot which is backwards. Plus it seems like the game randomly chooses which projectile is boosted, whereas in the original game it's always the central projectile that goes exactly where you crosshair is
-When you hold Ctrl to do a shockwave ground pound you immediately start sliding when you hit the ground, which really messed up my muscle memory, should work like main game
- It took me way too long to realise the secret boss was parrying my parrys back, I think the animation and sound for that should maybe be clearer? Not sure how to do that though
-Shotgun parry needs to show up in style feed (and I'm not sure it works on enemies other than Maurice? That might just be my incompetence tho)
-You can farm style by punching dead Maurices
-When you respawn sometimes you immediately shoot or dash (based on the button you were holding/pressing when you died, I think?) Which can be pretty bad with Core Eject :P
Additional suggestions
-Explosions should redirect projectiles for +FRIENDLY FIRE shenanigans
-The weapon freshness system and reduction of hard damage on higher style ranks would be cool
-This really isn't necessary but the stats thing that shows up when you double press tab would be a nice addition
-add funy maurice leggies
P.S. Is the secret boss a reference to something? The dialogue about being from another dimension makes me think it's a character from another game but idk who it is EDIT: just noticed them in Shotgun Spire trailer, i see
P.P.S. also just wanted to add my favourite part of the secret boss fight was that they stop being able to parry your parries once they start duel wielding, put a smile on my face once I realised it. I generally seem to like bosses that start out with defensive capabilities then abandon them for aggression (sundowner from mgr, the hand from furi)
P.P.P.S. almost put "piercer beam should go through Maurices" before I remembered the standard piercer doesn't work like that lol, slabbrained