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Ok the game is good and all

But you gooootta do something about foxy.

The energy she steals you just get way too high, way too fast.
How am I supposed to do anything when she steals me 12% and then, less than an hour later, and even tho I keep watching her on my cam to calm her down, 15%!

That's ridiculous! On night 6, I wasn't even at 3am and she already stole me litterally 45% of my energy! Without counting the camera!


Try flicking to her camera every 2-3 seconds, usually you can get it so she only runs about 3 times in the night. But yeah, hopefully she'll be made a tad easier to deal with in the next update.


Not helping, she's just randomly deciding that "you know, fuck him".
Once I just waited litterally 3 second, and she went from picking outside to running to my place.

idk what to do in that case, last time I played there'd be runs where that strat worked and runs where it didn't. Another tip that might save a little extra power is when you see she has left, don't immediately shut the door. Instead, wait until you hear the sound cue that tells you she is about to appear, and then shut the door the split second you hear it. The sound can be a bit quiet so it might take some practice. Although if Bonnie or Chica come at the same time I'd just shut the door and  flip to the left hallway to trigger the attack. RNG really is a bitch, and the only reason I completed 4/20 mode was because Freddy took a long time to kill me after the power ran out.


rng is a bitch, aint no way around it, just keep the camera on her at all times and check on her every now and then, the rest is up to luck

Yeah but things shouldn't be up to luck *that* much. Having her coming is punishment already, her stealing a little energy is even more punishment for bad luck, but that energy being more and more is just ridiculous.

If foxy decide, you lost, that's it.