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Anyway I changed *valid-word* (I guess just wanting an asdf system is the previous version) to

(defvar *valid-words*
 (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
  (loop for word in (apply 'append *bucketed-words*)
   do (setf (gethash word ht) t))))

(Yes I know, but there aren't that many words.).

Then I was able to

$ rlwrap ecl
> (require "thirteen-words")
> (13l:menu)

Also I missed that the game is that every wrong guess reveals a character. I thought you were asking me to just unscramble thirteen letters cold. So I

(defun delete-1st (ch list)
 (let ((idx (search `(,ch) list))
  (cond ((null idx) list)
   (= idx (1- (length list)) (butlast list))
   (t (append (subseq list 0 idx) (subseq list (1+ idx))))))
(defun word-has (word letters)
 (loop for lord = (coerce word 'list) then (delete-1st ch lord)
  for ch across letters
  when (not (member ch lord)) do (return-from word-has nil))
 (list word))
(defun cheat (letters)
 (loop for word in (apply 'append *bucketed-words*) nconc (word-has word letters)))

;p my score is very good...