Vector Byte is a much slower-paced SHMUP from what many might expect from the genre, boasting a runtime of roughly 3 hours. This is not to be taken as a bad thing, but it is something to keep note of. Thankfully, a level-select option is available, so if you can't commit to a full run, you don't have to start from the beginning every time like in some other SHMUPs.
Longer levels also allow for each to contain multiple different sections, from simple shooting to puzzles, just to name a few. Variety in weapons (which change per level) alongside the multi-sectioned levels help to keep things fresh.
Visual style is very interesting. From digital cyber domains, to industrial apocalyptic warzones, the visuals of Vector Byte's levels mix 2D and 3D enemies/environments in a strange yet very effective way, somehow making a cohesive style out of things that you wouldn't think blend well together.
Music and sound are where Vector Byte really shines. The dark techno synth soundtrack and sci-fi sound effects are really cool and often had my head bobbing to the beat.
One last thing to keep in mind is don't go into this game thinking that you'll be able to dodge all the bullets. From my time playing through the game, I don't believe it's possible to beat without getting hit. Not to say this is a bad thing, it just means the priority becomes getting enemies off the screen as fast as possible to lessen the amount hostile bullets rather than dodging. Health pickups are smartly placed, and there was only the occasional 1-hit kill enemy that flew in from the side of the screen that made me lose a life in a way that felt a bit cheap. Difficult as a whole was 'medium' (not too easy, not too hard).
My biggest hope for a patch that I think would make the game better would be to map the secondary weapon to the left shoulder button on a controller. I use the same software that Vector Byte was created with for my own projects, and I don't believe it is possible to do that yet, but if the option ever comes I do hope that change will be implemented. As of right now, I rarely use the secondary weapon due to how awkward it is to move my thumb to the button, meaning I can't aim my ship at the same time.
Overall, Vector Byte is a very cool SHMUP that has a lot of passion and creativity behind it. Dev should be very proud, and I look forward to their next project.