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Day 5

The final day! Today I changed the health and experience displays to be bars that gradually fill up. I also included Axe stats in the UI, and made the stats display be part of the pause menu. If the game is paused (Esc), leveling up, or the player has died, the weapon stats will be displayed.

I had a lot of trouble with making Unity build the game. I broke something on my setup, so I can't actually make builds on my main computer. I have no idea what the issue is, but I did the builds on a different computer and it worked. There are still a few things that I wanted to do (especially since the deadline was extended), but since it's broken I'm just going to leave it be.

The playable game is available here:

Here's my gameplay demo video:

My dry run high score is 282 seconds. Try to beat that!


Final note: I might continue working on this a bit after the game jam. IDK how far I'll go with it, but I'd like to do a little more with it before I fully abandon it. That's what I get for starting late haha!