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(2 edits) (+1)

I didn't expect much of this game when I clicked the link, but I can say that I did not plan to spend my entire night playing this. 5 1/2 hours later I have decided this was one of the greatest I have ever played. Storytelling was great, character design was phenomenal and the minigames were actually well designed, although they did feel pretty easy. Hats off to all of you, really, you've done an incredible job. Keep up the good work, the dedication really shows! :}

(also, the fact that you made this free is also mind-blowing, I would have expected something like this to be paid.)


Thanks a lot for the kind words, Bigger things! Comments like yours is what makes creating this game worthwhile! <3 

The game is and always will be free to play due to the fact we decided to use Copyright characters. They aren't ours and using said characters to make a profit is illegal. We instead decided to go for donations to help fund the game and this is the result so far. :3 Thanks for playing! We hope to make the final update as enjoyable as possible for everybody!