Great game, no bugs at all for the duration of 10 minutes. I had one issue though, with the alignment of the view at the beginning. The game has to be started from the proper position.
Gameplay: I had fun flying around, the controls are intuitive, and it fealt hovercraft with rockets and turrets. But after a while, i realized you could fly with the right stick. It was a surprise. Flying was great, but it didn't feel challenging, because there is no risk of stalling and collision. Also, it is hard to land without having air or land breaks. It would be nice to have those.
Moreover, I liked the cockpit, it looks really useful, especially the campus in the middle. However, the weapon switcher (i think) on the left side was not doing anything for me.
Graphics: Its very basic, and its hard to tell what the models are referring to sometimes. The large targets look like moving ships, but its hart to tell their distance and size. I imagine its because it's in pre alpha.
Motion sickness, I get that a lot with these games, this one was tough to play for 10 minutes. But because I play VR a lot, i got used to it. It would help to have the cone vision option. that helps a lot.
In summery, no bugs to report except for the view alignment option, flying was fun (breaks needed though), the cockpit was useful, and finally, it would be nice to have a solution to motion sickness.