Feedback on the game
Hey everyone. I forgot to post last weekend as I did not have much time to spend on the project, but will share some bits shortly. This may be a boring post as its related to feedback. This weekend my younger sister tried out Sew Lovely. She knew about the project and really wanted to play it but she was struggling to get past level 2 and started to lose interest in the game which had me really worried.
A dev's greatest enemy is getting too comfortable with their own game and not realizing the obstacles that new or less skilled players will face, though I think my sister found the game impossible for a completely unforeseen reason.
I noticed she was not actually any good at drawing circles with a mouse. Making slow movements and she would accidentally draw her cursor into an enemy. I asked her how often she uses a keyboard and mouse since her high school forces students to use Ipads rather than computers and she admitted she rarely uses a mouse. Its worrying that teenagers can struggle to use a mouse nowadays and it means Sew Lovely will have an unintentional motor skill barrier of using the mouse to causal players :/
I now want my easy mode to reflect easier mouse controls so players who struggle with a mouse have more time and accuracy to match normal players. It would be a shame if players struggle to enjoy the game because the simple controls have a motor skill barrier. Even if this is the 1% on itch it will help me identity how to create a great easy mode