this book is fantastic! the way the mechanical/synthetic language twists the meanings of machine-learning terms (like the different ways "seed" is used) to show that avocet is alive and organic in a very real way, even if it's not the traditional way that we think of those things. and that paralleled with the way people make assumptions surrounding the terms disabled/ND/trans people and separate them from being alive/human is so GOOD
fave lines:
- "they may update my motor drivers / i will keep my wonderment /that a dropped pen falls / to the ground / every time"
- "avocet is close to adversary in feel, close to avarice too. opposed, / wanting. standing subtly against and i will hold."
- "we hold together as close as we can."
- "our (our) line is this: / we were shaped from ashes / we were dug out of graves / we have what you have and fewer words for it / we have what you have and fewer avenues / and i love and i dream and i"
- and all of page 41 regarding the lighthouse tbh. i really really loved that bit, it might be one of my favorite sections