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(2 edits) (+1)(-17)

Thanks for being a Cuck LAGS.  Seriously, the first version was solid, and I was waiting for more juicy content. But oh boy, the you pulled off a majestic cuck bait and switch that had me rolling on the floor laughing. It's like they cranked up the dumbness to hentai-level absurdity.

And of course, we've got the classic excuse of "Oh, the MC isn't officially in a relationship with her yet," from some dumm ass here even though she claims they are. Come on now, it's as clear as day, and the MC is left speechless since he cant even talk. It's a full-blown, textbook cuckolding scenario, my dude.

I mean, let's not beat around the bush. The developer might have lost a bunch of their fanbase and support with this move. But hey, NTR sells, right? Although, he should probably focus more on the Eastern market, 'cause it's not as big of a hit in the West. But hey, at least you scored the game for free where I pirated/downloaded it. You do you bro kek.


Is everything okay at home?? You doing alright? If you need to talk about it we can


I don't give a shit about anyone complaining about Luna. You must loving NTR so much that it's the only thing you can focus one. Even created an account to address it.

(1 edit) (+3)(-13)

Haha! Oh, but deep down, you do care, my fellow gullible soul. Can you guess who said these words?

"It's kind of affecting me because I am writing dialogues which displays Ted knows about her affair. Originally he was suppose to be oblivious to all of it and Wendy was suppose to tell player about it."


"More importantly I'm here to make money and NTR games are most played on DLSite."

So, don't try to bullshit me with your excuses, Mr. "I like sloppy seconds." You want to make a quick buck with NTR and also indulge your true fetish, which is fine. But it's the sneaky bait and switch that ticks people off. If I'm wrong, prove me wrong! Go ahead and change the game's description to reflect what it's really about. Admit that it's heavy on NTR and features a second male character who, in addition to your other cuckold game, bangs all the girls behind the MC's back, including Luna, not just in the past, but ongoing and unstoppable. But I know you won't do it because, as you said, you're all about the money, and that's why you deserve all the hate and ridicule you get.

And please, spare me your self-justification, Mr. money-hungry cuckold. Are you seriously considering making this game exclusive to DL if things continue like this? Haha. Yeah, right! Just another lie you tell yourself to cope with the fact that it's still NTR, but you're in it for the cash.

And no, I do enjoy NTR, but not in the same messed-up way you cucks do, haha. I enjoy this—the backlash, the hate, the financial losses you face, being branded as the cuck game developer. This is my entertainment.

But there are two other things that bring me even greater joy. And that is taking your hard-earned money away from you, which I don't even pay myself, and watching other cucks shell out their cash for my entertainment. It's pure bliss, my friend, especially knowing that you're only in it for the money, hehe.

So, Mr. Mega Cuckold, please keep pumping out more NTR games, MORE! Let more people avoid your games as it becomes increasingly difficult to defend them. Just take a look at F95. Make my day, buddy. Make it even brighter. 😘


You okay over there?? If you need to talk about trauma we can. This is a safe place.

Deleted 1 year ago

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day. I've seen my fair share of moral high ground anti-NTR idiots but you take the cake and if F95 is anything to go by, its that people can't read tags or ignore them regardless because having a plethora of content suited for their own tastes isn't enough for them to waltz in and ruin other peoples fun.

Deleted 1 year ago

you must be so angry to write a whole essay about NTR. If you dont like it then fuck off lol no one cares