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So today's progress was getting into combat, and I've accomplished it! Super excited with this next step, everyone! 

So the player currently clicks on an enemy, a print to screen message shows up with some text, and then you're taken to the combat screen. Once there, a random number of enemies will appear, between 1 and 3, and they will be of the type that you encountered in the world. With that working, the next step is to fill out the combat with content such as: player options, player and enemy queue, actions and reactions, and then combat results, such as whether to go to the next round or end combat.

This is the first time I've worked on a turn-based RPG without the help of a tutorial, so I'm excited by the progress I am making and how things are taking shape. Especially as I'm building a game similar to Phantasy Star. Can't wait to show you all more progress with screenshots and maybe a video as things come together.