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Hey sorry to bother you with this again. I commented before about the MC's car getting impounded, and you said in the next update you would reword things to clarify what exactly happened to their car, but upon reading the updated version, it seems to basically say the exact same thing, i.e. the police found your car abandoned, impounded it and then auctioned it off.

So I'm kinda confused as to what was actually meant to be clarified. Not trying to be rude or say you did a bad job or anything, I just genuinely don't see what information is there that wasn't before.

Again sorry to bring that up again. On a more positive note, I have really liked the story so far (I realize I didn't say that before, sorry about that), and the latest update is definitely a solid continuation.


well grayson doesnt know exactly how it all went down so his explanation is how he sees it. the car was taken in for safe keeping so it wasnt impounded technically but the police didnt know where else to put it. the reason it was auctioned off is because it was confused for evidence which, generally speaking, can only be held for 5 years if there arent any charges which there obviously werent.

i hope that clears things up finally. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I definitely get the series of events at this point. Maybe I'm just dumb and missed it, but I guess I was just expecting a bit more of the full picture in the update.

 It still seems a bit contrived that the police managed to accidentally mistake your car for evidence considering all the paperwork related to both cars and evidence, but it is definitely plausible enough to suspend my disbelief for, especially if you put accidentally in quotes.