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Sorry for the confusion, we are trying to understand what's the error here, can you tell me if you downloaded the game from another page? If you are in telegram please write me to try to fix this 


Well, well, well. Are you really trying to discharges yourself by suggesting that I may have obtained the game from another source? And the tracebacks I showed are pretty straightforward. Is $ imagen1 = "0" and so on not defined under label start: in script.rpy?
If this is indeed the case, then a simple solution I could give will be either remove these option from the main_menu part of the navigation screen, or define the variables as persistent, or add another condition at the start of the CE_p1 label like:

label CE_p1:
if not store.imagen1:
    "Sorry but you must play first before accessing this section."

Anyway, I gave it a try until I reached a non-optional scene that make me tell that I’m not going to give to that rapings’s game more of my time. Besides, the writing is really not great and the expressions they are doing when talking are so awful that I almost wished there are no image at all.

Perfect, thanks for you time 🤗