Hello! This looks very intriguing. I hope I'm not troubling you, and I hope this doesn't seem like a silly or an inappropriate question. We're a plural system and this game looks very intriguing, at first glance. A protagonist whose "demons" have manifested to the point of this external one just being there, just being this presence that she's used to now, that she talks to regularly... well. As a system, we can relate to the rough general concept of that, of a lot of my issues and broken-off shards of my soul becoming their own entities that I just kind of hang out with and play video games together with at this point.
That said, we have to be careful, because plurality, inner demons, etc. are topics that are handled... in a very upsetting way for us, a lot of the time, in most media. So many games, movies, etc. out there seek to paint the demon/other personality/etc. as a tormentor, a malevolent influencer, the cause of the protagonist's troubles. Something to "grow up" and move on from, like an imaginary friend, at best, or even something to actively oppose and fight and defeat and banish at worst. Stories where headmates are friends (or even lovers..?) are extremely rare. And as a system, it hurts us when some of us see ourselves in entities like this demon, only to be treated like villains and/or cast aside in the end by the narrative when we actually sit down to play. We are a team, a family, and we seek more representation of that. We don't mind if the relationship is turbulent at first (goodness knows we ourselves have been through a lot of adversarial... not getting along, before we finally learned to work together) but we at least want there to be a happy ending in that regard.
We're not asking for spoilers of specific plot beats or anything like that... if this game is a good one for us, then we'll of course want to play it unspoiled as possible and really experience the story. And this one really looks interesting! Without having played it yet, the art style in the preview images is gorgeous, and the premise definitely catches our attention. But we just want to know, if it's not too much trouble to ask (again, apologies for bothering you if so!) Based on our sensitivities, do you think this is the kind of game we should play, or the kind of game we should avoid? Without giving away the details, does this game have a happy ending for people like us (even if it's just one of the possible endings, and even if there's bad stuff to work through along the way--just so long as there's some sort of way we can feel validated in the end or at least an end?) We just want the protag and her demon to hug is that so wrong
Thank you so much for your time!