Thank you for your honest review! I was running on really a tight schedule while making this project and only got a few hours to invest on it. I agree with your point on the programming knowledge part . I just figured I'll make games and figure it out on the go ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶) ᕗ
I really like the fact that you brought up the topic of my game which gives me an excuse to mansplain it ٩(^ᗜ^ )و . So its about a lost dog (and a dog's a man's best friend) so that covered the lost friend part. I originally intended on making the player goes through a thunderstorm where the screen changes brightness from light mode to dark mode (i.e inverts colours like when you have the auto brightness on) but kinda ran out of time and went with the infamous "it's a feature not a bug" excuse (╥﹏╥)
Also, your game was fun :)