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Nice, congrats on submitting your first game. I also created my first ever game for this jam. I couldn't get the WebGL to work properly either. I think the art is pretty nice and the soundtrack works well. 

Some thoughts:

- The jump sound occurs after the jump. Should be an easy fix to have it play when the character jumps. 

- I couldn't figure out how to attack. Once that's in the game, it should be more interesting to play. 

- Maybe there's something you could do to make the item collecting more interesting? I'm sure this will come with time. 

Overall, good job!

Thank for for playing and leaving feedback for us! I definitely should have included a lot more instructions on how to actually play the game. I know the game is riddled with game breaking bugs, which I apologize for. The idea behind the collections was that you ned to collect all 32 Data Files to enter the final level portal, to get all 32, you needed to collect Passwords (Keys) to open Firewalls and Glitches (Lightning bolts) to gain new abilities like double jump. I needed more instructions for players as it wasn't clear. To your point about making it more interesting, perhaps layering  a mechanic into the collection system that is more instant micro reward for collecting thing. I'm always interested in hearing feedback, so thank you!