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This is a very hefty game, there's a lot of content here. There's also a lot of polish, everything just works - good feedback on player and enemy hits, enemies telegraph their moves, the time slow effect feels good, it's all great. The art of course is very solid, I love the look of the main character.

Some subjective thoughts (I'm giving you a lot here cause this game has a lot going on):

1. I was never really clear what exactly my goal or character motivation was, I was sort of just walking through this world without much purpose. 

2. Combat and movement through the world were too slow for my personal taste. The rhythm of combat, dodging and swinging, that all felt good, but getting to enemies and moving around the world felt on the slower side to me.

3. The area you need to use the double jump to go to didn't feel super well sign-posted. I had to look at the map for awhile before figuring it out. I wish there were something more memorable around there to give me that "a-ha!" moment.

4. I liked the first boss fight, but at first, I thought I had soft-locked myself and was missing the ability I needed to get over to him. I think teaching the player that there are some projectiles they can hit back when time is slowed could be useful before fighting this boss.

5. There were some places where enemy placement frustrated me, usually those dragon statues, but sometimes it was the goblins as well. There was a lot of ledge guarding going on, and the player character doesn't really have any tools to deal with it (as far as I could tell).

But yeah, overall this is a very solid entry. I think among game jams I've played this one felt the most like a game that's heading towards retail, so I hope you keep working on it!

Wow, great feedback! I can't say that I disagree with any of it. Thank you for playing and taking time to give me such great thoughts.