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Promising start with tons of work to do in terms of interaction and fixing. 

I loved your previous game. I have very much enjoyed "Versteckt", which was truly brilliant. I had really high hopes for this, but somehow on the way it got me disappointed, although nothing serious that can not be fixed. 

The interactions are really bugged. I have a difficulty interacting with objects, dropping them and then trying to open the doors with keys. The movement is smooth, the axe and the sword work quite well. Other issue is with the safe, once I click on it the screen does not go back, so I had to restart the game. Once the character dies/gets caught by La Llorona, I am unable to restart or even exit to the title screen. 

In short, I won't be giving a fully review on the game, because I believe the development team is able to fix them right away. Hope you deliver a great game. Best of luck. 

Thank you for letting me know about this issues, can you tell me what version are you playing? Windows, Mac, linux or Mobile? Again, thank you for this, it's actually really helpful, as an indie dev I don't get to have a play testing team, so you guys helping me debuging is awesome!