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(2 edits)


obligatory "you know what it's like when you don't know anything at all and yet you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were just near one person" meme.


as a very clearly sane person, let's overanalyze every aspect of this poster! 

obviously we already know Beelzebub has been discorporated, in the opening title sequence, a grave stone says "here lies the former shell of Beelzebub" so here we have Beelzebub's new look, I love it, the fingerless gloves- omg. It's gorgeous.

We've got records on a chair, we know Maggie runs a record shop next to Aziraphale's bookshop. The record on the front is just some obscure random record.

We've got something in front of the records, the box Muriel was looking at in the trailer, we already know it says "out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Job 41:19" there are many theories on what exactly this means, and there's no way to know for sure until the season comes out. Seems interesting, way too much attention has been put on this box for it to be just nothing... probably.

I see some stuff behind Maggie and Nina. There's a basically destroyed phone on the shelf, possibly belonging to one of them maybe, and a plate on a pile of books with food on it, two... sandwiches, are they? Food, it's food, and there's two of it, let me be okay- CAKES, THEYRE CAKES OMG IM BLINDDDD

On a shelf we have a book, The Crow Road by Iain Banks. I think it was a deliberate choice to make this book clear to us, then again I have literally no proof of that and I'm most likely looking into it too much, it's a book, like, it's just a book. I mean it also showed up in another poster, it showed up twice so... coincidence, I think not! A quick Google search says the Crow Road is about this dude who's uh... an interesting guy, story takes place in Scotland, the main character has a missing uncle and a strained relationship with his father, a whole bunch of things, you wanna know more, search it up, point is, the reason he isn't close with his father is because he believes in God and life after death, his father doesn't. Also, since it seems like Good Omens is gonna be a sort of "whodunnit?" I feel like I should mention that he's trying to make sense of his uncle's disappearance with the papers he left behind. The story is also non-linear, it leaps back and forth with little to no warning leaving us to piece it together as the reader, idk if any of that means something or not, but I'm not reading the book so... feel free to do that yourselves.

In front of The Crow Road, I do also see something else, but I can't quite make it out, partially because it's unclear and partially because I suck at reading cursive. It has bright yellow tape on it.

Something is behing Nina's head, it seems to stand out, all I can make out is an M and maybe a U? Perhaps it says something about Muriel but I have no way to be sure honestly it could be literally nothing.


There's a wire and a typewriter in front of Maggie and Nina, as well as two small statues, could still be just random stuff, but you never know.

The baby statue in front of Crowley and Aziraphale seems like it should be holding something doesn't it?

It seems like there's an old camera(?) on the floor. Idk.

The books in the foreground have sections marked in bright yellow.

Gabriel is here, he seems like he's wearing Aziraphale's clothes, still looking as confused yet happy as ever. He's got a bright yellow feather duster.

Right next to him there is Good Omens the book- nice detail, cool to find.

Behind it is a piece of paper, it says R. MANSEL-JONES, which, I found out on tumblr, is a British record shop?

We see what looks like a skull jar next to Michael, who is suspiciously separate from the rest of the angels... interesting.

Behind Beelzebub's left leg,it seems like there's lizards which is something we've seen in other posters. Still unclear what they mean or why they've been repeated so many times.


We see an ode to the late Terry Pratchett, his hat and scarf are on the chair Beelzebub sits on. May he rest in peace, he lives on in all of his works, and he lives on in this.

That's all I noticed. Maybe I missed something? Tell me if you noticed something I didn't or if you have any clue what's going on with The Crow Road or like- what? I feel like I've see The Crow Road before this just idk when. I swear I've seen it before, I swear I'm not insane, I'm so confused this isn't like deja vu, I've actually seen that book before, ge uinely, I don't think I've seen it, I have. Where? It was like in a movie or a show or something, I saw it in a movie or show. What am I thinking of??????

Anyway yeah. That's enough overanalyzing for today, more overanalyzing to come so watch out lol.