Do you expect to find new readers by existing on this platform? This does not even work for most games. And itch is focused on games. Same as with games, you need promotion outside of itch. Just existing here does not give you exposure to millions of potential readers. They will find you here, if they search for you or your stuff. But why should they.
That is my general observance about the topic.
Specific to your pages, I could not see if your stuff would interest me, or not. So I guess that is bad for getting new readers. But then I checked other pages in the comic genre. Why are they all so bland and non informative? This is compared to many game pages, of course. Is it because they do promote their stuff elsewhere and just host here for their readers to be able to buy it?
I do not know. But when comparing to game sites, I miss the demo versions. And the descriptions are quite short.
So take this as an outside eyeball, as I know that comics and other stuff exist here, but do not browse for them. :-) At least you have plenty tags, so people can easily find you by searching for their interests.