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(1 edit)

That's a nice little one, pretty charming. It's still pretty rought around the edges tho, but I could have fun with it regardless.
I really love the artstyle of everything, and the animations are also really nice (altought their triggers seens a little iffy still, if you understand what I mean), and man, the music is an ABSOLUTE BANGER, holy shit, I love it so much xD

About gameplay I think my main complaints are on how the melee attack seemed kinda useless due it's short range and lack of proper feedback of wheter or not I'm hitting something (and on some specific rooms it just bugged and didn't wanted to trigger oof), And I also think parrying could have a little more indication of wheter it worked or not, I did get very confused about that for a bit at first (It was also very unclear wheter I had to hold C or to tap it at the right timing since parrying itself also has no animation, nor anything that suggests you're gonna do it at all, really). I also kinda forgot the dash existed for most of it, but that's already more on me x)

The game was also pretty buggy for me sadly. Aside from the melee attack not triggering on certain rooms, the boss at the end was also seemingly completely broken, or at least the UI was, so I really had no clue wheter I was dealing damage or not. There was also one specific room where I died and started respawning there with no hp, so it was a little tough to get throught it, specially since it had a blind jump with an enemy on the middle of the drop (wich sincerely, was a very bad enemy placement ngl), and I tought on just reseting, but the music was really pumping me up so I decided to just push throught, and then that became a nice little challenge to overcome at the end x3 (Still a flaw tho lol, but at least I got something memorable out of it so hey)

I recorded my entire run tho, so I guess it's easier to just show how it went lol.

You can also see at the end that I tried to restart the game after dying to the boss, but that was because there were 2 songs playing at the same time and THAT'S a bug that can actually bother me for real, so I tried to fix it, but for some reason the game decided to take really long to open again. (It eventually did and I tried the boss again, but it was still broken unfortunatelly, so I couldn't really finish the game, wich is a bummer, since I really wanted to)

EDIT: Forgot to mention, but some hitboxes are also really big, I feel like some where even bigger than the sprites, you should be careful with that too

Wow, thanks for the video! Looking back, that drop room was pretty bad with the enemy placement, especially with the game respawning you at 1 health for some reason.  It was really helpful watching you fight the boss, from that perspective there's a lot of stuff that doesn't get communicated. The boss is supposed to follow you until it gets all its attacks out on you, but it just kinda looks like its stuck in the attack phase. There's also no hitbox until after the boss' melee phase is over, but again you'd have no way to know. 

On a more positive note, since I did not write it, I feel it's ok for me to agree the music does indeed go hard.