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To add to my earlier feedback, just because I feel like it's a disservice not to mention this, Lin's events stole the show. Wow. The stakes were so high that everything else, even Autumn's and Ashley's events, felt like sidelines. I don't say that to detract from them at all, just to praise. I sensed that Lin's events were where you put a lot of focus, and deservedly so. Those were tectonic shifts in the world. Those moments with the iconic photos that suddenly looked "aged"? I'm assuming that was to denote that "sometime in the future," those images are preserved as part of history.

You've gotten really good with expressions. Lin's in that first photo taken by that asshole was perfect. (Lika's expression of rage at one point was also perfect.) The images themselves were also really iconic, definitely of the caliber that I could see being immortalized for posterity. Reminded me of some iconic photos of the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.

The Android's contribution was fantastic. As was the reversal immediately following it. To be honest, the way things were going, I was starting to wonder when the Android would hijack an army of robots and send them to help overthrow the humans. Having Cornwall and "the government" have the power and vision to create something like Archon felt like it rebalanced my sense of the world.

And Archon. Well done. Massive 1984 vibes from that. Suddenly an AI can censor anything and anyone, completely cut a person off from the internet if they say things the government doesn't like or wants to suppress. And I have a feeling (a certainty, really) that the way they rolled it out before it was ready is going to bite humanity. Hard. The fact it could control all the droids (I think that's what I saw)? Giant red flag.

In general, I really got a sense that events are escalating to a state where something's gotta give. Not just in Lin's story. Kali's story, the mentions about a breeding program to create more half-elves, was disturbing in the extreme. Kali's step-mom's bit about "half-elf, pure elf, what's really the difference? Elves will still be here." was painfully believable. But the idea of replacing the entire workforce with elf-bots to "control the resources" (I think that's what it was) was frightening. It's exactly the kind of utopian vision that sounds great in theory (no one has to work anymore, yay!) but turns into a society-ending disaster when it hits reality.

I definitely sensed some inner turmoil in Kali. ("deaths in the low double digits." Really, Kali?) Felt like she's going to approach a turning point like Autumn's in the near future. Probably when she sees what's going on behind the curtain at her father's company.

You've taken us in some very intriguing directions! I can't wait to see where the story goes next!


Thank you again! I'm glad you understood what I was trying to say so well.

A minor critique: One thing felt missing from Lin's bit, though only after I thought about it. Everyone's freaking-out reactions were great, including Nia's. But where was Jin through all of this? Did she have nothing to say or feel?