Thank you for spotting this! Surprised it's not working on Firefox as that's what I used to test it. I believe it might be a missed paragraph break instead of a line break, but Twine might detect both as the same. I'll run every image passage through a remover just to be sure. (The Twine version it was made in is 2.5.1, so it might be causing some issues when opening with a newer or older version?)
And on SVGs in twine, oh it's just a treat to use! More people should as you can directly modify the appearance of the image ezpz. I've found Css images + masks to be slightly wonky in useability. With this, I can just inject an image that's testable from the get-go and inject my own modifications with variables.
I'm unsure how to reproduce it in Harlowe, probably the same with utilising its own print command. Sugarcube is in general more suited to messing around with such stuff.
Glad you enjoyed it and hopefully inspired too! Hope to make a faux browser pet soon. I made a small diversion in developing it to revamp the graphics and release this as a small milestone.