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This is a cute little story which can be read through in about 15 minutes or so, with very down-to-earth, realistic conversations between its two characters which makes for a nice emotional ground. It certainly captures the nervousness of young love in a way that reads well.

However, it was often confusing to parse what was thought and what was being spoken aloud due to formatting errors. There were also times where there was too much text and I could not scroll down to read it before having to move on. That was a little disappointing, as I hate missing out on story. The font is also rather impossible to read; not so much the black/white nature, but simply in that it was very thin and elaborate, making it difficult to decifer between several letters. This greatly impacted my enjoyment of the game, as I could not help but to be distracted by it. The lack of a true ending also felt, well, not great?

All that said, Marisa and Patchouli's characterizations are on-point, and the ending dialogue is a nice and memorable killer; some of the most clever writing in the whole piece. The music is also lovely, it was perhaps my favorite part of the game and the part I felt had the most polish. Backgrounds were very, *very* DIY VN (complimentary) as well. Not a bad effort all-around, just some things here and there which could use improving. Be proud of what you were able to accomplish and take away some lessons for the next time!