What a great entry, congrats on a job well done!
You had a really strong, cohesive aethetic and the artstyle really stands out and looks clean/polished. Everything was quick and easy to read "at a glance" and digest what I was presented with. The red color for danger being used consistently in your designs made it SO approachable and easy to understand
Player movement feels great, jump is telegraphed well, and the animations are just oh-so smooth
The momentum/tractor beam mechanic is super neat, but the camera's lag made it a little extra challenging
I enjoyed that you had different gate mechanics and mixed/matched them. It really encouraged me as a player to explore each room fully so I could collect all the things
The jump felt FANTASTIC and I pulled off what I felt was some pretty neat tricks/jumps that felt great to land
I really desired some kind of movement boost/mechanic to make backtracking areas I've already been in faster (even just a simple run)
Serously, fantastic work! I really enjoyed my time with what you've made