This game is an intriguing little romp, with all endings taking about 20-30 minutes or so.
The presentation and writing very much reminded me of games from the "Umineko" series; I'm unsure of if it was an intentional homage or not, but I really liked how it looked on-screen and felt to read; it's immediately engaging and very different from the usual VN fare we tend to get. Raiko's appearances were also an interesting choice for a VN; it's yet another aspect which adds spice and variety to the game
I also appreciate the family aspect of the great tool chase arc; I feel that is a severely underexplored dynamic in Touhou Jam games in general, and this game did a good job of trying to show off how some of these dynamics worked in a way which made sense.
The true ending is perhaps one of the boldest and most daring I've seen in a visual novel in some time. It takes unbelievable moxie to make something like that work, and the degree of difficulty is exceptional. You pulled it off, and I have to tip my cap towards it. (Though, I admit a little surprise, as I didn't get the impression from the prior stories that Seija's relationship with Shinyomaru quite went like that.)
(A small, but not game-shattering critique: art/music was a mixed bag. Aqwa's portraits were outstanding, and the Touhou remixes were also very good, but some of the background art and "cooldown" music were ill-fitting to the point of distraction. I cannot help but wonder if more appropriate backgrounds would have enhanced the experience just a little more.)
Overall, I found it to be a very unique game which took some intriguing choices and ran with them. This game knew what it wanted to say and was not afraid to say it. Even relatively mundane decisions could put you somewhere unexpected, and that's not something every story can say. Great job to everyone who participated in this project!