I had to shut the forum down due to massive bot issue. Have to see if I can reinstante it somehow in read-only mode. Yeah, this project is on hold at the moment. I want to get back to it at some point but the scope needs to be massively reduced and simplified. Been struggling with different things over the last few years, so game development has fallen in the list of priorities. I am sorry about that, because of the nice comments you guys still leave about it. I feel bad :(
Thanks for the reply. I completely understand. Development takes a lot of work, especially if you're the primary or only dev, and life comes first. I just discovered your game through a recommendation from the dev Lum here and really like it. It's got some issues as is of course, but overall it's got so much potential to be a favorite.
I did a fairly lengthy write-up in my rating/review, so if/when you return to it I listed a few things that could be addressed. Sorry if it's not very organized, I just got done playing and wanted to just get everything down.
I'd be happy to provide more input should you come back to it so feel free to message me if you want any assistance with feedback or testing.
You've done a wonderful job so far, and I hope to see more from you in the future. Thank you for sharing your work here. Good luck with your projects and with your irl issues. I hope everything works out for you.