This game has a huge RNG issue, it's actually possible to advance, but the way the cards are shuffled everytime after each round gives a high chance to find 10 points cards which result in extremely frustrating situations - to the point players believe the game is rigged (it is not, it just has bad shuffle code); overall I do not reccomend, there's bajillion games using strip mechanics that won't fill you with frustration and rage when you just wanted to rub one out real quick. But just in case you want to still go through the game, I'm writing down a short guide:
- I can't find the blue "enter" button at the begining
This is because you're on chrome's private mode, for some reason the game do not like that; I know that most of you guys don't want to see this page appearing in your browsing history. Simple advice: if you plan on spending time on this game, either you go full in so the save is stored somewhere, or you better pass. Because for some reason this game requires quite the grinding to unlock everyone (I do not understand why the next opponent doesn't unlock right after beating the one before), and you cannot get it all in one night realistically speaking.
- I lost all my money and now the game wants me to wait over an hour to get some back
So this is another game design point I absolutely do not understand, there's absolutely no reason for a cooldown to get some money back to exist, there's no pay2win alternative offered, there's no side game, nothing. This just exists to fuck over players.
The good news is that once you've unlocked the roulette, it's there forever given you refresh the page if you need to use it a second time per session, so you can run out of money as much as you like once you've waited the cooldown. And yes, the cooldown counts the time even if you weren't on the game in between.
- There's no way to beat anyone in this game
There's actually a way to beat any rival, but you need first to forget how to (mostly) play blackjack.
First of all, remember that unless your opponent has $0 or lower in their payroll (stripped clothes are counted as negative 100 dollars), you can always bail the game if you feel like you fell short on your hand (read: if the game gave you anything that results in between 12 to 16) without any penalty and at anytime (even if you started drawing cards), and go back to find your opponent again with a payroll back to $100. There's absolutely no need to fight back your opponent if they have already taken like 500 bucks from you other than waste your time, especially if you have unlocked the money roulette.
Second of all, like I said, the game isn't rigged, it just has really really bad RNG mechanics. Since the whole deck gets entirely shuffled after each round, it means you always have a rough 30% chance of finding 10 point cards at each draw (that's quite a lot), not to mention that the AI follows a really strict way to operate (you can't bluff them), that means you need to assume that every hidden card is potentially a 10 points card and work around it, if you have 12 points or over, always check your opponent's hand before considering hitting. If they might get a high score, you may try hitting just in case it could get higher than their visible card +10; if they might get a lower score, then maybe you should rather stand and watch them potentially bust themselves. Consider that hitting while holding 15 or 16 points is pratically a guaranteed bust unless you get extremely lucky, and that 13-14 points aren't really safe to hit either but might get into question if your opponent might score a 19-20 and beat you anyways. Remember that you absolutely cannot bluff your opponent, like it's directly written on the board that they'll keep hitting until they reach above 17.