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Hello everyone! My game's a little rough around the edges as I spent way too much time programming as opposed to creating art and adding sound lol, I hope you can still find some enjoyment in it though!

Just wanted to clarify for those unfamiliar with RPG Maker, a large sum of the visuals are not mine but rather the default ones within the engine itself. I only created the assets for the surgery minigame and the early cutscenes. They were created during the last hour of the jam if I'm being quite honest, so yeah they don't look too good.

I plan to upgrade this game a ton after the voting period ends but would still love feedback on stuff such as: are the puzzles too easy or too difficult,  how is the writing for the story, did the game run well for you, are the characters likeable for what is shown, and really anything you have commentary on.

I had fun making this and I've learned a lot about an engine I never used before but always loved, I'd love to hear from you all and I plan to check out as many games as I can in the next 5 days!