I didnt want to post on the nemeses page but wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry that I cant help with a high tier patreon support!! If i could afford it I'd happily do the 50 a month because I think you deserve it. I just havent had a job in 2 months. I cant even do the 25 right now I'm so broke and in debt. Anyways I'm going to buy the demo and play it. I look forward to it! Just know if I can I'll do the 50 asap, I'll start off with 10 when I start getting money rolling regularly. Best of luck and great job!!
Hey buddy, no worries at all. I really, sincerely appreciate that. It means a lot to me to know that other people are really excited about this project. Just do your thing. Don't worry about the money, I would rather you take care of yourself. If you're at a place in the future where you're financially comfortable, then sure, but don't put yourself into more debt! Thank you for sharing that with me. You've been super supportive!
Wow, I'm honored to be your favorite! Can't wait to see the video. I'd love to hear your idea, but I'll warn you, I'm already backed up on projects, so taking on a new one anytime soon isn't really possible. Definitely feel free to share it with me anyway, and we can talk about it! You can shoot me an email at MattReevesProduction@gmail.com if you'd like!