oh so pretty much no new characters/content since last year, unless I missed something. Only new character I found was the battle vs skunk girl and the village gatekeeper telling you to find her people (it's where im stuck, dont know further progress). I been playing since battle vs momo was the only fight in game and been doing everything since, stopped keeping up with updates after cynthia fight
how do u get cowgirl in the shop place? what are you supposed to do after giving bunny semen to the statue? where do you find 'village' people? sorry for so many question im just lost as whats going on xD i just been moving my first save file to new updates without re-playing the game so i dont understand half of it
cowherd girl has a bug, the statue to collect the girls' semen has not been added and the villagers will be added in the future, you ask me so much :)
also you can save the file your game here and mofu will add new characters centaur, dark elf, spider, little moster, but we have to wait the update :3