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Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Ultimately, this sort of thing does more harm then good because it doesn’t make people feel like they can open up

The fact you assumed anyone who is against AI in this use case hasn’t “thought critically” does the same, and is the reason for my combative tone.

You went to modern dictionaries for the definition of a Luddite? Who do you think wrote those?

I made clear my stance, because I’m tired of folks slandering their name when a lot would identify as one if they’d know what it was about. But, apparently, speaking up for good working conditions justifies their genocide and subsequent besmirching.

My point remains; you do not know what Luddism truly stands for, and my existence is testament to that.

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 But, apparently, speaking up for good working conditions justifies their genocide and subsequent besmirching. But, apparently, speaking up for good working conditions justifies their genocide and subsequent besmirching.

This is like some seriously delusional levels of jumping to conclusions.

I think you  should be weary of this level of paranoia, but I am staying clear of you and this conversation if this is the unnecessary and toxic direction you are going to take it in.

i took the time to write a well thought out and well communicated reply to the main thread, and did the same point by point for your reply. 
All you have done is spew emotional rhetoric back in return  ,intentionally or not, ignoring the actual text of my post.

You are projecting your negative interpretations of my text onto what my actual unstated thoughts and assumptions are.
You are assuming your made up assumptions about what I meant are some sort of reality and making a fuss about it without engaging or responding to anything I am  actually saying or answering any my questions.

Taking my post and reply away from this sort of energy because I came here to have discussions, not have my reply hijacked to create an imaginary platform  for you to martyr yourself on.

Frankly your xenophobic remarks about China elsewhere in this thread, merit no further interest from me in engaging with you any further.
Plenty of other economies out there exporting in masse products that choose quantity over quality to maximize cost, it just one segment of their economy like it is and has been for many other countries. Why are you using the Chinese as a "bogeyman"/"punching bag" in once place and then accusing other of using  Luddites as a scapegoat's/bogeymen, when the Luddites in the context of the text were in clear reference (for most readers) to a specific bygone 19th century English  workers movement, and not Neo Luddite( whom were never mentioned)?
Please don't bother answering Mid, this is a rhetorical question.

Any explanation after the fact,  is just an attempt to make yourself not look like a bigot, and I have heard enough to reach my own conclusion that you are the type who prolly values some people labors over others because of who they are or where they are from.

From my POV you seem like the most selfish one in the room, attempting to morally gatekeep what's good labor and automation, with no any actual explanation as to why it is good.

There is so many layers of automation between your post/content and anyone ever seeing it, from the back end of the internet to your actual hardware, there is a huge range of labor/automation involved that is very nuanced, and at first glance should stand in stark contrast to to any shallow argument you haven't even bothered to make.

It looks like you are only siding with what benefits you and your hobbies, with out explaining how this "ism" you are clinging too actually should apply to the nuances of the subject at hand.

When the nuances are brought up, you ignore it entirely. 

Honestly, "A luddite walks into an online indie game forum" sounds the setup to a very lame and obvious joke because its so full of inherent contradictions.

And despite whatever opinions you have about dictionaries, maybe you should become more familiar with them.

For example, where I am from "mid" is a reference to someone or something that is of profound mediocrity, and regardless of what you want to feel about, you don't control what others think. Here is a modern dictionary that echoes that common understanding of the word.

Is this why you are not fond of dictionaries and "who" writes them?
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10/10 might be mid