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I am so shocked by myself, like, man... 

I know that all characters are bullies and I usually hate bullies as I was bullied myself as a kid (but I knew what I was getting into when I started playing this game!) and out of all of them, Marky is the most typical bully... The bully that is likely familiar to all of us who were bullied.

 So why the heck do I like Marky so much lol?

And what's with that hidden almost sweet (and fucked up) side he has? I was shocked when I realized that I found him endearing at one point (when he tried to be nice to MC so that he wouldn't run away again, lol), what the heck is wrong with me XD I legit wanna romance him, but I'm aware this game isn't gonna be very romantic so I'm not gonna complain.

That being said, it's a good game, I'm really looking forwards to the updates!


I was heavily bullied growing up and turned into an adult who's drawn to toxic, abusive and bullying men. So, I understand how you feel.

Marky can be nice and borderline romantic if he gets his way. But, remember, he's abusive, so he'll turn on you on a dime, as soon as you do anything wrong, and snap back into evil mode.

You'll see more of that in the game :D