Hey, your soundcloud link is dead. I have my own portfolio at: Video Game Development (lootsmuggler.com) . The problem with it is that none of the games are playable any more.
I'm a programmer. I plan to write the text such as it will be. I also plan to generate some artwork with a program and find some on the internet. I don't know what music or sound effects I need. I'm willing to take what I can get. There's no pay, but it'll help you add a video game to your portfolio. However, it'll be more of a game demo.
The demo game for this jam is going to be a fantasy RPG that is mostly text-based. It will most likely be incomplete. I have nothing to show at this point. The plot is that you're trying to get your son onto a boat to avoid the darkness of a night that lasts for months at a time. You have journals that you can write messages to each other in (to satisfy the theme). A band of heroes is killing a dragon, and that disrupts the entire local economy.
After the jam is over, I plan to eventually make a more full-featured game, but this jam demo game is more like a prototype.
Edit: Technically, your link works. There just aren't any sounds there. The vimeo link has sound.