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Wow, playing this is really a trip! A cryptic and unsettling game (which I mean in a good way). I haven't figured it all out yet, but I am curious to find out what the connection between the purple character and the black and white character is. I'm assuming the description and read me file are vague because you don't want to give too much away so I won't ask for too much of an explanation, but I want to make sure, the lack of menu is intentional, right? I got stuck somewhere and I couldn't figure out how to leave a few times so I closed and opened the game again and it seems to have autosaved. I've also made it to the green hospital a few times, but every time I try to step outside the room I start in the game warps me to a place where I can't move. Is that working as intended?

The combination of 2D and 3D assets gives the game a unique atmosphere, I don't think I've ever seen a YN fangame do that. The areas that stood out to me the most are the match room and a room with a giant grey and red 3D object that is continually rotating. Both really striking, unique and enigmatic areas. 

Yes that is intentional, however I realize now that it was a bad idea and im now going to make changes to the stun puzzle segment to make it more obvious that the player passes it by staying still for an extended period of time

patch done, I imagine a large percentage of players got stuck there and never got the ending, thanks for the comment!


I completed the game! I can't say I fully understand it all, but I had a good time playing it. It was super weird and super weird is super good in my book.