Thanks a lot! Reading feedback like that makes it all worth while - it genuinely means a lot. I got quite attached to this little project after living with it full-on for a week and reading that made my day!
Yes, Red Matter is one of my favourite games on the Quest, can you tell?! I really wanted to do something in that style and I've researched a lot into the tech behind it (even though it was in Unreal and this is Unity)
As for smooth move turning, it wouldn't be too tricky to add as an option, however I did try it as a test and it made me feel quite sick - however, everyone is different so it'll be good to add the option regardless :)
I know what you mean about it seemingly like there's not enough O2 at the start, however (spoiler alert) I cheekily stop the O2 and energy levels from dropping while the hologram is talking, so you should effectively get the same 'game time' either if you listen to the messages or not and you can choose to speed run it if you so wish. It certainly helped while testing the game, that's for sure!
As for version 2, yeah I didn't add too much to it, just more tweaking things and some minor improvements. However, I plan on keeping going with this, so it's great getting all this feedback and I plan on implementing these ideas.
As for the other suggestions, great! No problem adding a restart option. As for seeing yourself in the reflection of the screens, I first thought 'how the hell am I going to do that?!', rendering the player into real-time cube maps would absolutely kill the Quest - but then I had a cunning idea that might just work instead. Which this space.... :)