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As someone who was in art school for way too many years, I find the premise of the game so relatable. When you're sleep deprived and stressed about inspiration and upcoming deadlines hallucinating like that is definitely possible! But seriously, it was fun to see your game develop over the course of the jam. Seeing someone as creative and driven as you is always inspiring to me. Your art is lovely, and you got a huge amount done this jam. The train and railway map nexus is so creative and original. (Train of thought? Is that the pun?!) The giant notebook you can walk on is also really memorable, I loved that.

One thing I'd comment on is it took me a very long time to find the manhole in the statue/rabbit garden because it blended in with the other statue bits so well. That could just be me being unobservant though. Also a couple bugs I noticed were that the first two cubes you encounter in the pink checkerboard area have incorrect collision and the gold rose painting in the studio is on a layer on top of the player character.

I'm pretty sure I found everything. That one particular event was WOW and now I'm intrigued to find out more about Amora. (I also really liked how you communicated that I couldn't bring my invisible friend in.) I really enjoyed playing and I'm excited to play any future updates!

Let me just say your comment floored me, honestly it's beyond flattering to hear that I'm someone who can be inspiring I'm so thankful that you not only played the game but also could relate to some of the experiences.

Secondly, thank you for letting me know about those bugs as I'm typing out this comment I'm fixing them up and will be releasing a new patch soon.

Thirdly, I think you're one of the first people to actually mention that particular event and just knowing it had that 'WOW' factor I wanted means the world to me. 

Thank you again so much for playing my game, I want to make this one something special for sure.